Nixxio Castrillo

Nixxio Castrillo

Nixxio Castrillo

Nixxio took a different path, learning directly as the manager of his father’s studio. “I loved being on the sidelines, seeing all his designs come to fruition,” he says. “And I learned a lot from it. Little by little, I started creating my own stuff. But that’s how it started, with the support of my family.”

“Nixxio, out of all of us, is the one who is artistically inclined,” adds Ovvian, Nixxio’s brother. “Even in university, people would ask him to do doodles, design their t-shirts. For us, that was really neat—that a design you came up with in your head is being used as a t-shirt.”

Nixxio is also very philosophical with how his works diverge from his father’s. “Dad’s artworks are somewhat angular,” he says. “In my case, I like making things linear, with cubes and rectangular shapes. Growing up, I always imagined myself as a shadow when helping my dad. And what appealed to me the most were the angles his works would create. That has influenced my own art. Of course, my studies in architecture also has made an impact.” This is most apparent in how his artwork interacts with the environment, creates canyons and valleys of shadows between the lines.
